good works ministry
Providing technology, communication
and consulting support to ministries.

"It was incredible to see such kingdom-minded people willing to invest in our church community."
Jason Mauck, Pastor
Generations Cowboy Church
Sound System Setup
Providing support with Audio/Visual/Lighting systems
Support with websites, social media & online giving platforms
Secret Seeker visits & reporting
Communication flow feedback
The Apostle Paul encouraged us to realize “we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10) We believe God has equipped each of us with gifts and talents we are to share generously with others. Many churches, ministries and missionaries lack the time, resources and knowledge to fully implement and utilize the wide array of digital and social platforms available. Good Works Ministry provides support and solutions by utilizing our skills and experience, and connecting our growing network of ministry leaders and churches to share in the common purpose of continuing the spread of the Gospel and advancing God’s Kingdom on earth.
get involved

Help us identify churches, ministers, ministry workers and servants who would benefit from support and solutions in areas of information technology, social media, communications and marketing. If you know someone who would benefit from our ministries, please point them to our website or share their name (confidentially) with us and we’ll reach out to offer them encouragement and an invitation.

Pray for God’s blessing and guidance for the Good Works Ministry. That He will open opportunities and connections to allow for sharing of experience and expertise in utilizing all forms of technology and media with churches and ministry leaders.
Pray for God’s leading in your life. Ask Him if He is calling you to partner with us in serving, promotion, financial support, or other ways.

Good Works Ministry is provided at low or no cost to recipients of support and solutions so financial considerations will not be a boundary to the blessing. If God leads you to partner with us financially, your contributions will help others receive the blessing of support and assistance in their sharing of the Gospel.