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harvest ministry

Supporting churches and missionaries through

mutually beneficial short-term mission trips. 

"I truly believe those of us who were on this trip were blessed more than the family receiving the house."

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Jason Kable

Tulip Christian Church

January 2024

Dominican Republic Trip

Casas Por Cristo

2025 Trips

Casas por Cristo Scouting Trip

MEXICO - OCT. 19-22, 2025


Casas por Cristo Scouting Trip

HONDURAS - NOV. 8-14, 2025


  • Facilitate domestic & international mission trip options 

  • Research & vett mission trips for maximum benefit for missionaries & participants

  • Foster long-term relationships with mission organizations & missionaries

  • Enable churches to offer a variety of viable mission trip opportunities

Matthew recorded these words from Jesus to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest.” (Matthew 9:37-38) Harvest Ministries exists to provide support to our brothers and sisters who are laboring in the mission field. We work with and visit our missionary partners, domestic and abroad, to understand and catalog their needs and opportunities to join them in their work. Utilizing the information collected, we encourage and facilitate short-term mission trips and other forms of support carefully coordinated to provide maximum benefit on the mission field while minimizing the burden on host missionaries.

get involved


Help us identify mission trip opportunities, missionaries, churches and servants who can be connected to share in the work of spreading the gospel. If you know someone who would benefit from our ministries, please point them to our website or share their name (confidentially) with us and we’ll reach out to offer them encouragement and an invitation.

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Pray for God’s blessing and guidance for Harvest Ministry. Pray He shows us the right connections and opportunities with missionaries so we can share those opportunities with His churches and servants.
Pray for God to show you if He is inviting you to join a short term mission trip or support His missionaries who are working to share the Gospel.
Pray for God’s leading in your life. Ask Him if He is calling you to partner with us in serving, promotion, financial support, or other ways.

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Though there may be costs associated with short term mission trips, the services of Harvest Ministry are free of charge for churches and our missionaries so financial considerations are not a boundary to the blessing. If God leads you to partner with us financially, your contributions will help others receive the blessing of an opportunity to be part of the work to make Jesus known in all the earth.

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MSSI Office

9015 N Route B

Columbia, MO 65202

Cypress Ridge

1470 County Rd 274

Columbia, MO 65202

©2024 by Ministry Support Services International

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