Ministry can be incredibly fulfilling, but is often also draining and even personally wounding. To those outside of church leadership, this may come as a surprise; to those in ministry, it is an all too common and regrettable truth. In 2004, Nathan King made the decision to leave full-time ministry and soon crossed paths with many others who had been called to ministry but were, like him, discouraged to the point of leaving ministry altogether. It was during these conversations that the seed was planted to develop a retreat center to support ministers as they face the highs and lows in fulfilling their calling. In the almost-20 years since, that vision has grown, and in the fall of 2023, Nathan and his wife Tammy asked Chris Collier and John McNail to join them to achieve the vision that has become today’s Ministry Support Services.
Meet The Team

Co-Founder & Executive Director
Nathan King
Nathan King is the visionary of MSSI. An outside-the-box thinker and avid entrepreneur, he’s established multiple businesses ranging from providing support services for people with disabilities to residential construction, development and real estate. Nathan’s passion in serving others is evidenced in roles such as Christian camp director, small group leader, youth minister, and church Elder, and his sweet spot is the opportunity to create experiences that connect people with each other and the living God. Nathan loves concerts, outdoor adventures, the St. Louis Cardinals, the Kansas City Chiefs and spending time with his wife and 3 adult kids.

Co-Founder & Director of Community Engagement
Tammy King
Tammy King helps maintain connections through social media and our quarterly newsletter and serves as conference coordinator. Her love for God, family, and education has sparked MSSI and other ventures including Moms groups, homeschooling, school administration, new construction design, and more. Mother to three amazing adult children, Tammy is an eclectic movie fan and passionate organizer; she loves walking outdoors and deep snow.

Director of Ministry Relations
Chris Collier
Chris Collier has a sincere love for all of God's people, and wants to live out the greatest commands of loving God and loving others daily. He is blessed to be married to his lovely wife Lydia. Together they are enjoying the challenge and excitement of raising their four children - Jackson, Cassidy, Brennan and Bridger. Most would say Chris is a little (or a lot) crazy, loving things like camping without a tent, canoeing down a river in the dead of winter and hiking for days with only the supplies on his back. But crazy or not, there's seldom a lack of adventure on the path ahead.

Director of Ministry Operations
John McNail
John McNail is a jack of all trades and master of none - he loves a good challenge and identifying solutions to unique problems. John is husband to Christi and father to Noah, Samuel & Matthew. He finds great joy in the creation of things - both physical and digital - spending his free time constructing modern furniture and tinkering with new technology. John and his family enjoy quiet weekends at home, hiking in the wilderness & spending time with friends and family!

Director of Development ​
Cole McCollum
Married to Christine for 27 years, we are blessed with three children—Ciara, Brianna, and Brennen. Our journey of following Christ has led us to incredible opportunities, from mission work in construction and remodeling to raising and breeding Scottish Highland cattle. It’s been amazing to witness the doors God opens when we remain willing to follow His lead.
I am passionate about reaching the lost, men’s ministry, and walking alongside others as they grow in faith. I love guiding hunts, fishing, outdoor activities, and staying active. I look forward to seeing how God uses this ministry to help others find rest, refreshment, and renewal.

Ministry Support Coordinator
Jon Pearson
Jon Pearson thrives on connecting with people and tackling real-world challenges. With a passion for hands-on work and intellectual pursuits, he graduated from C.C.C.B. where he studied cross-cultural ministry and worked with the homeless community in Columbia, Missouri. During that time, he also led several service trips to major U.S. cities—work he continued afterwards.
Jon, his wonderful wife, and their five children live on a small organic farm just north of Fayette. In his spare time, he enjoys homesteading, playing music, reading, and competing in strategy games with his family.

Solid Rock Retreat Facilitator
Marshall Robb
Coming soon!

​Pastoral Support
Hayden Provolt
Hayden Provolt is a caring individual who has a passion for sharing the love of God with others. He and his wife Nicole are both Veterans of the Air Force and have had the opportunity to mentor many people throughout their years of dedicated service. They are the proud parents of 3 children, Dakota, Alyssa and Jake; and the proud grandparents of 3 grandchildren. Hayden loves spending time with his family and watching them grow in their faith. Hayden has a unique gift for guiding and supporting those in need, and a passion to serve others. He loves trying new things and meeting new people. His hobbies include Golf, camping, and walking/hiking. God has placed a calling on his heart to Shepherd as many as possible with as much time he has left.

Niki Provolt
Niki Provolt brings a wealth of experience from her time in ministry and the Air Force. As a retired military veteran, Niki has developed strong skills in leadership, teamwork, and resilience. She is deeply committed to her faith, serving the Lord daily, and treasures her roles as a wife to Hayden and mother to Jake. At MSSI, Niki aims to blend her professional skills and personal dedication to make a meaningful contribution. Her unique background and unwavering spirit are sure to enrich our team and mission.

Janet Mountjoy
Janet has served alongside her husband Ted in ministry for almost 50 years in churches and mission work. Having led Bible studies and hosted small groups for many years, Janet's passion is encouraging missionaries and supporting those in the field. She is Grandma to fifteen and Gigi to eight, and she loves puzzles, warm blankets, and a good history book.

Ted Mountjoy
A stateside missionary and minister for almost 50 years and a deep desire to know God and His Word makes Ted an asset bringing experience, wisdom, and a sense of humor to the MSSI team. He hopes to encourage other church leaders to stay steadfast in ministry through tough times. Ted has fifteen grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. He enjoys woodworking and birdwatching.